New Blog

I have created a new Blog about dreadlocks, you will find anything you need to know

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dreadlocks maintenance

Dreadlocks maintenance

1-Loose hair tool - Latch hook

How to use the loose hair tool (or the Latch hook) for dreadlocks maintenance.

In this video here you can learn how to use the loose hair tool for yourdreadlocks maintenance:

The loose hair can be a very annoying problem to people with dreadlocks, dealing with it is one of the reasons why dreadlocked people invented maintenance. The Crochet hook is one way that could help you get all the loose hair inside the dread, but crochetting dreadlocks reqired a little bit of skills, I'm not saying it's hard but using the lose hair tool is much easier, anyone can use it on their dreadlocks with no problem.
You can find this dreadlocks loose hair tool in dreadheadhq stores, or you can get a latch hook at any craft store.

Read Full Article here

2-Loose hair tool for thin dreadlocks

How to use the loose hair tool (or the Latch hook) for thin dreadlocks maintenance.

I have already posted an article about how to use the Dreadlocks loose hair tool here, but if you wanted to try this maintenance method on thin dreadsyou wouldn't be able to, especially if you are using a big sized hook. Because it would be hard to get the hook all inside the dread. so it is better if you try doing it this way (see video below)

It is the same procedure, except that instead of getting all the loose hair inside the dread, you keep getting it in and out untill it fits in
I must remind you though that this tool I am using in the video and in the previous one is not the dreadlocks loose hair tool that you could find indreadhead hq or Dr dreads or any other dreadlocks related shop. This is just a latch hook that is why the tip of it is different, and that is why it is a little bit big in size, it shouldn't be used for very thin dreads.

Read Full Article here

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Corn rows with extensions

Corn rows with extensions

I have recently published a blog post and a video about how to make corn rowsthat you can read here:
This quick tutorial I am posting today is about how to add exensions to your braids to make them look longer. Those two posts by the way may not be directly related to dreadlocks, but I just wanted to share with you few hair styles that I have tried while I was on my dreadlocks Journey, the corn rows and the Afro hair style that I have also posted here:

Anyway, back to this corn rows with extension tutorial.. The process is simple if you already know how to braid corn rows, as you can see in the video below:

You can watch the whole Dreadlocks Journey here

Healthy hair tips

If you suffer from hairloss, or you just want tips to have a healthy hair learn more about hair loss