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I have created a new Blog about dreadlocks, you will find anything you need to know
Showing posts with label Dreadlocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreadlocks. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2016

How to wash dreadlocks - Tutorial

How to wash dreadlocks - Tutorial

Washing dreadlocks is the number one dreads related issue that many people are confused about. Many think that in order to have dreadlocks you should stop washing your hair, while it is actually the other way around, if you want to have healthy clean dreadlocks you must wash them on a regular basis. Clean dreadlocks mature fast while dirty hair is gross and makes your scalp itchy.

Washing Dreadlocks video tutorial:

My personal dreadlocks washing routine:
you may do just as I do or you can do your own, the keys are: residue free shampoo, good rinsing and good drying.

  • I first get my hair wet and give my scalp a gentle massage
  • Then I put some of my shampoo on my palms and rub it all over my scalp (I don't use it on my dreads because that will happen later, also if your dreads are new be gentle with the rubbing)
  • I get under the shower, the shampoo become bubbly and I rub it all over my scalp and dreads very well (massage carefully if your dreads are new)
  • once I feel that I shampooed all my hair I proceed to rinsing
  • I set the shower to the strongest mode and let water run through my dreads ( the more you stay under water the better)
  • I squeeze my dreads to get new clean water runing through them again
  • I repeat the rinsing and squeezing until I feel it's enough
  • I turn off the shower and start squeezing my dreads to get all the water out
  • Once I feel that I can't get any more water out and my dreads stopped dripping I proceed to drying.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dreadlocks maintenance

Dreadlocks maintenance

1-Loose hair tool - Latch hook

How to use the loose hair tool (or the Latch hook) for dreadlocks maintenance.

In this video here you can learn how to use the loose hair tool for yourdreadlocks maintenance:

The loose hair can be a very annoying problem to people with dreadlocks, dealing with it is one of the reasons why dreadlocked people invented maintenance. The Crochet hook is one way that could help you get all the loose hair inside the dread, but crochetting dreadlocks reqired a little bit of skills, I'm not saying it's hard but using the lose hair tool is much easier, anyone can use it on their dreadlocks with no problem.
You can find this dreadlocks loose hair tool in dreadheadhq stores, or you can get a latch hook at any craft store.

Read Full Article here

2-Loose hair tool for thin dreadlocks

How to use the loose hair tool (or the Latch hook) for thin dreadlocks maintenance.

I have already posted an article about how to use the Dreadlocks loose hair tool here, but if you wanted to try this maintenance method on thin dreadsyou wouldn't be able to, especially if you are using a big sized hook. Because it would be hard to get the hook all inside the dread. so it is better if you try doing it this way (see video below)

It is the same procedure, except that instead of getting all the loose hair inside the dread, you keep getting it in and out untill it fits in
I must remind you though that this tool I am using in the video and in the previous one is not the dreadlocks loose hair tool that you could find indreadhead hq or Dr dreads or any other dreadlocks related shop. This is just a latch hook that is why the tip of it is different, and that is why it is a little bit big in size, it shouldn't be used for very thin dreads.

Read Full Article here

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Corn rows with extensions

Corn rows with extensions

I have recently published a blog post and a video about how to make corn rowsthat you can read here:
This quick tutorial I am posting today is about how to add exensions to your braids to make them look longer. Those two posts by the way may not be directly related to dreadlocks, but I just wanted to share with you few hair styles that I have tried while I was on my dreadlocks Journey, the corn rows and the Afro hair style that I have also posted here:

Anyway, back to this corn rows with extension tutorial.. The process is simple if you already know how to braid corn rows, as you can see in the video below:

Friday, October 17, 2014

Dreadlocks and water - swimming and showering

Many people that have just started their dreadlock journey are wondering if they can swim with their dreadlocks, here are some few points that you should know about water and dreads.

you can read the full post for more details here: (will open in new window)

1-Swimming with dreadlocks is very fine, especially in the ocean

2-if your dreads are less then 1 month old, it's better that you avoid swimming too often
3-It is ok to also swim in pools. the Chlorine doesn't hurt your dreads as long as you rinse them well right after
4-if you're swimming with dreadlocks in their first few months, you may notice some loose hair afterwards, it's ok
5-Make sure to dry your dreads after showering, do not sleep with them wet or put them in a hat
6-it is better to not swim in lakes and rivers without a swimming cap

or watch the video here

Monday, May 26, 2014

Top 10 Myths About Dreadlocks

Top 10 Myths About Dreadlocks - The truth about dreadlocks

Dreadlocked hair is one of the most misunderstood hairstyles. Throughout my dreadlocks journey, I have heard many rumors and myths about dreadlocks, people seem to ignor everything.
here are the top rumors you may come across, and the facts about them:
Watch in Video

Rumor 1
To have dreadlocks you must stop washing your hair, it needs to be dirty to lock
Fact: dirty hair is not healthy and it dreads slower, your hair must be clean to dread properly

Rumor 2
Only black black people can have dreadlocks, or it suits only black people.
Fact: Dreadlocks are for everyone, it's all about patience and spirituality.

Rumor 3
Dreadlock people smoke weed or they are potheads
Fact: Not true, dreadheads are not rastas and many of them don't even smoke cigarette

Rumor 4
To have dreadlocks you must put some product on your hair 
Products you may hear are good for dreadlocks: Honey, Toothpaste, Glue, Shewing gum, Mayonese, Candle wax, hair Gel...
Fact: Not true, do not put anything on your hair because it's unhealthy, it will become dirty and you will damage the scalp. 

Rumor 5
Dreadlocks damage your scalp, or will make you lose hair.
Fact: Not ture, if you take good care of your hair.

Rumor 6
To remove dreadlocks you must shave your head
Fact: Not true, you can remove your dreadlocks, it's a hard process but it can still be done.

Rumor 7
The only Natural method to have dreadlocks is the neglect/freeform method
Fact: I would say it's the most natural way, but some hair textures will take a long time to lock, with a little backcombing or twisting, the process would be faster, that's all, they're still natural methods, the hair dreads itself in a natural process.

Rumor 8
Rubberbands will break your hair
Fact: If used in the right way, rubberbands help sectionning your hair and help tightening the roots especialy on new formed dreads.

Rumor 9
Dreadlocks are for Rastas only.
Fact: Rastas didn't invented dreadlocks. Cavemen used to have dreadlocks because the comb wasn't invented yet, dreadlocks are for everyone and for many reasons: fashion, spirituality, religion... whatever is good for you

Rumor 10
After shaving your dreadlocks, your new hair will grow as dreads.
Fact: your hair jusr grow, your scalp doesn't even know you have dreadlocks.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dreadlocks Backcombing method

Dreadlocks Backcombing method

Backcombing method for dreadlocks is also a natural method of dreading IF you don't use any dread wax or product with it.
Backcombing works perfectly on all kind of hair, NO EXCEPTIONS even on very straight and smooth hair.. It's the method that tells that every human can have nice dreadlocks.

How to do the backcoming method? 
First thing is that you section your hair in squares, you can choose from big or small depending on the dreads size you want, you may use rubberbands to secure your sections and take them off later.
then using a comb that has teeth close to each other. start combing the hair backwards, you begin from to the root of the hair to the end of it.
I haven't made a video on how to use the backcombing method to make dreadlocks but I have found one that explains how perfectly, and as you could
This video shows you how to do it:

Advantages of dreadlocks backcombing method:
while backcombing, you control the size of your dreads. 
they mature faster than other methods. 
backcombing works on all kind of hair especially straight caucasion and asian hair. 
It's almost an all natural method.

Disadvantages of dreadlocks backcombing method:
The backcombing process takes few hours. 
Need someone to help you. it hurts sometimes. 
You may lose some hair in the process.

Read Full detailed article on my new blog post: Backcombing method for dreadlocks

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dreadlocks: Wool Method

Long natural Dreadlocks

Wool method for Dreadlocks

Or watch in video

What you need to know about Wool dreading:
The wool method is a lot similar to the neglect method, it's a neglect method with a little help. If you are going to do this method you must be very patient. because it is one of the most "annoying" methods, and it takes a lot of time before you start to see real dreadlocks in your hair. You will have to live with messy hair for at least a year.

How to do the Wool dread method:
The basics of the wool method are very easy:
take a wool thing (sweater, hat or gloves or anything you have)
put it on your hair and rub it in circles for few minutes till you feel knots starting to form. Do this process everytime you have free time. Wash yuor hair regularly with free residue shampoo.

Dreadlocks wool method Advantages:
like the neglect dreadlocks, it's an all natural method, anyone can do it themselves no help needed, no tools (except a wool hat or something in wool).

Dreadlocks wool method disadvantages:
It hurts a lot while you are doing it. takes a lot of time till you start to see real dreads. You will have a crazy messy hair for at least one year. You may lose a little hair in the process but it's ok.

Read full detailed Article in my new blog Wool Method for dreadlocks

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Dreadlocks: dread perming method

Dread perming method

Dread perming would be the easiest way to have instant dreadlocks. Even if I am personally 100% against this method for dreadlocks, but I have to talk about it. After all, everyone is free to choose the dreading method that they want.
the dreadlocks perming method is mostly done in beauty salons, and it costs around $300 - $400. your hair will be exposed to chemical products that makes is frizzy, then bounded again and retreated with other chemical process to form the dreadlocks
you will for sure have nice beautiful very well shaped dreadlocks instantly.
Although it is better when it's done by professionals, dread perming can also be done at home. Home perm kit cost around $10 - $20; and give similar results.

Dread perming Advantages:
after going out of the salon you will have dreadlocks.
after about six months it looks just like a natural grown dreadlocks
your dreads will have perfect shape and size
works on ALL hair even Asian straight silky

Dread perming Disadvantages:
The most un-natural dreading method
your hair will be exposed to chemical products
Risks if it's not done by professionals
Costs quiet a lot of money

Read more about dread perming for dreadlocks in my new blog post here
you will also find everything you need to know about dreadlocks from A to Z, History, All dreadlocks methods, Washing, Maintenance... with Dreadlocks pictures and videos..
check out my new Dreadlocks Journey Blog

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dreadlocks Neglect Method

Dreadlocks Neglect Method

First, watch this Neglect dreadlocks Video:

Neglect method (also called Natural or Organic method) is the most 100% natural healthy way for having dreadlocks. But it takes time and needs a lot of patience.
Rumor you will hear a lot about neglect method: neglect your hair and don't wash it and you will have dreadlocks.
WRONG and very wrong, because if you don't wash your hair, it will stink, you actually wash your hair on a regular basis, just like un-dreaded haired people do.

Neglect method, how to do it?
You basically don't do anything to your hair except washing it. It takes from 4 months to 1 year, your hair will then start to lock, you may help sectionning your locked hair by separating the dreads from the roots, and don't worry if you feel that you ripped some of your hair, it's OK.
It is important that you start sectionning your hair when it just start dreading or it will form  big congos (congos = when two dreads or more lock together).

Do this separation regularly, anytime you feel like your dreadlocks need it.  when your dreads reach maturity, you won't need to do the separation process.

Washing neglect dreadlocks
the best is to wash your neglected dreadlocks twice a week . Some "Neglect" people wash their hair less when they first start their dreadlocks journey, like once a week, that helps in forming the dreads faster, washing more than twice  a week will slow down the dreading process, but it is up to you.
But make sure you use only natural residue free dread Soap.
Neglect  dreadlocks maintenance ?
since it's called "the neglect method" then it means that you don't have to do much , Just separating the dreads and washing your hair. 
But you may Moisturize your dreadlocks sometimes to avoid dryness.

Neclect dreadlocks advantages
Very easy to do
No help or experience needed
You can do it yourself. 
It is the healthiest dreading method for your hair.
The most Natural method.

Neglect dreadlocks disadvantages
Takes a very long time so it needs a lot of patience
Dreads are not all of the same size, some people wouldn't like the "look" of their dreadlocks when they see different shape on each dread. If you care a about how your dreadlocks would look, then this method is not for you.

Read full article about Neglect method for dreadlocks in my new blog here
there are also more detailed informations about the other Dreadlocks method that exist, with pictures and videos

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dreadlocks and guitar

Dreadlocks and guitar

Hello everyone! It has been a very long time since I last posted on my blog, I lost it, but now I got it, and I will start posting on it again.. Hope that everyone of you is doing great in his Dreadlocks Journey..
I am sharing with you today a very short video of me when I was trying to learn the song "Nothing else matters by Metallica"
I am not good in playing guitar I must say, I was just learning. anyway, you could see my long nice dreadlocks in the picture and the video, you may also notice that they need a little bit of work at the root, with a crochet hook, or just some palmrolling with do it.. I don't like palm rolling my dreadlocks that much, it's boring. But unfortunately with my type of hair I have to do it sometimes.
The next thing I wanna learn is to play some reggae music on guitar, to suit the dreadlocks lol, it doesn't mean that when you have dreadlocks you have to limit your music taste, I can listen to anything good, but reggae is just the best, it makes you happy.
Anyway, here's the video. hopfully I am going to post more photos and videos about my dreadlocks Journey soon, so that you know how it is.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dreadlocks twist and rip method

Dreadlocks twist and rip method 

The twist and rip method to make dreadlocks is one of the most used methods, because it works on pretty much all type of hair and  it's also an almost all natural dreading method IF you don't use any dread wax with it. 
But you have to know that once it's done and the dreads have locked, it's almost impossible to unlock them.. So if you choose this method, you have to know that if you changed your mind about having dreadlocks you may most probably have to cut your hair.

How to do the twist and rip method on your dreads:
1- Sectioning your hair: it depends on how thick you want your dreads (between 1/4 inch to 1 inch in thickness recommanded). Just carefull that hairs from 1 section dont cross hairs from another at the roots. you can use rubber bands but make sure you remove every single one the next day.

2-Twist and rip
  •  twist the section then seperate the ends randomly in half
  • pull the two parts away from eachother to force knots towards the roots BUT don't be too forcefull or you may cause dammage.
  • keep retwisting and seperating and pulling
  • you may do some palm roll when you're done.
In this video you can see how the twist and rip method works with dreadlocks:

UPDATE: Better video uploaded:

Read full article with more details here: Dreadlocks Twist and rip method

Peace and Love

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dreadlocks - the best way to make them

Dreadlocks, most people don't know how they are made, if you search the net you'll find many ways to make them. but wich one is the best to have nice healthy dreadlocks??
There one thing you must remember about dreadlocks.. try to avoid any chemical product, dread wax is BAD for dreadlocks, or if it's not bad it wouldn't be good either, so it's better to just use a natural product-free way to have healthy nice dreadlocks.. I used like 3 ways and I strongly suggest twisting as it's shown on the video. Unfortunately it's short :( and not the best quality, but it shows you the way how things are done, so if you want healthy dreadlocks and hair, I recommand twisting.
I will try to make another more detailed video about making dreadlocks.. stay tuned
here is the video

UPDATE: Better quality video uploaded:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Short Dreadlocks neglect method

Short Dreadlocks neglect method, that's how I really started my dreadlock journey, I wouldn't say they are 100% "neglect method" because I kinda helped with a little of twisting :P that's a cheating I know, but I don't think my hair is of the kind that a 100% neglect method would work for.. a friend of mine, who is also a dreadhead helped me, I think I have a video of the process, but unfortunately it doesn't show the whole thing :( but I will try to upload it, because he does it in a good way.. twist and backcomb

Dreads, Surf, Guitar, the beach....Life is wonderful <3
Here's the Video

Monday, October 1, 2012

dread Locks with extensions

locks with extensions
Dreadlocks with extensions for short hair, was the next thing I tried as you can see, it's locks, but big ones, not like the locks you do in real dreadlocks, sorry I don't know how to explain this lol but I think if you look at the pictures you'll figure out what Im talking about.. It's something that many women (especially African women) with short hair do to make their hair look longer.. 
Starting your dreadlocks with extensions could be a good idea, it would help your short hair to hold together and "get used" to dreading.
And I didn't mention that it hurts so bad too :S in the process of making it, after it was done I had the feeling like someone was grabbing my hair all the time :S that was gone in few days but to be honest I don't think it was worth the pain, or what do you think?
dreadlocks with extensions

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dreadlocks: Day 1 (2007)

Dreadlocks..Yes! it started just like this back in 2007, I even was bald a while before this pic,  showing you how my hair used to looke like before having my dreadlocks might help you if you're still hesitating on doing it, well Just do it ;) don't think a lot and don't hesitate, start your Dreadlock journey TODAY.
By the way, it's not the first time I decide to grow my hair and to have dreadlocks, I've been dreaming of having dreads since I was a kid, and I let my hair grow many times before, but everytime there was something that stopped me, family, school... But this time I was determined to do it, there is no coming back. It was not very easy, but I had the will, and all I was thinking of was looking at me with long nice dreadlocks lol, It was a dream that I made come true, yes Dreads do come true lol
Here is my Dreadlocks journey Channel trailer:
(Join my dreadlocks youtube channel if you haven't yet, I have uploaded some tutorials on how to make dreadlocks and other stuff too)

Peace & Love

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dreadlocks: What you need to know


Subscribe to my new dreadlocks channel on youtube
and this is the trailer of the channel:

Dreadlocks, also called locks, a ras, dreads, "rasta" or Jata (Hindi), are matted coils of hair. Dreadlocks are usually intentionally formed; because of the variety of different hair textures, various methods are used to encourage the formation of locks such as backcombing. Additionally, leaving long hair to its own devices by not brushing or cutting the hair will encourage it to tangle together as it grows, leading to twisted, matted ropes of hair known as dreadlocks. The latter method is typically referred to as the neglect method. A common misconception is that those who have dreadlocks do not wash their hair, but this is not always the case. Many dreadlock care regimens require the wearer to wash their hair up to twice a week (a normal amount for healthy, clean hair of any style).

Dreadlocks are associated most closely with the Rastafari movement, but people from many ethnic groups in history before them have worn dreadlocks, including many ancient Semitic and Indo-Aryan peoples of the Near East and Asia Minor, Sadhus of Nepal, India and the Sufi Rafaees, the Māori people of New Zealand, the Maasai and the Oromo of East Africa, and the Sufi malangs and fakirs of Pakistan, and medieval Irish Warriors.

The word is a compound word combining the words dread and locks that dates to the time of the invasion of native peoples in the West Indies. In the 1960s the intent may have been to evoke the dread aroused in beholders of the hair; "dread" also has a sense of "fear of the Lord" in the Rastafari Movement, which can be partially expressed as alienation from contemporary society.

The first known examples of dreadlocks date back to East Africa and some parts of North Africa. Maasai men found in the regions of northern Tanzania and southern Kenya have been wearing dreadlocks for as long as they have survived. There hasn't been official date of the "start" of Maasai dreadlocks, but it is a tradition that has been going on for thousands of years.[citation needed] Even today, Maasai men can be found easily donning their dreadlocks, with a tint of red color from the soil.

In ancient Egypt examples of Egyptians wearing locked hairstyles and wigs have appeared on bas-reliefs, statuary and other artifacts. Mummified remains of ancient Egyptians with locks, as well as locked wigs, have also been recovered from archaeological sites.
The Hindu deity Shiva and his followers were described in the scriptures as wearing "jaTaa", meaning "twisted locks of hair", probably derived from the Dravidian word "Sadai", which means to twist or to wrap. The Greeks, the Pacific Ocean peoples, the Naga people and several ascetic groups within various major religions have at times worn their hair in locks, including the monks of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Nazirites of Judaism, Qalandari Sufi's the Sadhus of Hinduism, and the Dervishes of Islam among others. The very earliest Christians also may have worn this hairstyle. Particularly noteworthy are descriptions of James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, who wore them to his ankles.

Pre-Columbian Aztec priests were described in Aztec codices (including the Durán Codex, the Codex Tudela and the Codex Mendoza) as wearing their hair untouched, allowing it to grow long and matted.

In Senegal, the Baye Fall, followers of the Mouride movement, a sect of Islam indigenous to the country which was founded in 1887 by Shaykh Aamadu Bàmba Mbàkke, are famous for growing locks and wearing multi-colored gowns. Cheikh Ibra Fall, founder of the Baye Fall school of the Mouride Brotherhood, popularized the style by adding a mystic touch to it, it's important to note that warriors among fullani, wolof, serer and mandika were also known to have dreadlocks when old and cornrows when young for centuries.

Methods of making dreadlocksTraditionally, it was believed that in order to create dreadlocks, an individual had to refrain from brushing, combing or cutting. This method created dreadlocks that varied greatly in size, width, shape, length, and texture. The method has come to be known as the "neglect" method. Other names for this method include "Organic" or "Patience" methods. Similarly, "Freeform" dreadlocks are created by allowing the hair to knit together naturally into locks of varying sizes. However, freeform locks are patterned to a degree, as the hair is pried (not parted, just pulled apart in "chunks") into fairly determined sections after washing, as opposed to organic dreadlocks that tend to bifurcate and coalesce haphazardly.

A variety of other methods have been developed to offer greater control over the appearance and shampooing frequency of dreadlocks. Together, these alternate techniques are more commonly referred to as "salon" or "manicured" dreadlocks.

As with the organic and freeform method, the salon methods rely on one's hair matting over a period of months to gradually form dreadlocks. The difference, however, is in the initial technique by which loose hair is encouraged to form a rope-like shape. Whereas freeform dreadlocks can be created by simply refraining from combing one's hair and occasionally separating matted sections, salon dreadlocks use one of a variety of established hairstyles or tool techniques to form the basis of the dreadlocks.

Salon dreadlocks can be formed by evenly sectioning and styling the loose hair into braids, coils, twists, or using a procedure called dread perming specifically used for straight hair. Backcombing, twist-and-rip, and twist-and-pin are also some of the more popular methods of achieving dreadlocks. The palm-rolling technique, involved in retwisting the roots of highly textured hair, is considered the foundation technique for lock maintenance. One can also utilize tool techniques such as interlocking, involving a crochet hook to draw the dreadlock through its un-matted root repeatedly in varying directions in order to manually and instantly weave the hairs at the base. The crochet hook is also used to create dreads in straight hair by drawing loose hairs into the body of section of hairs that have been teased together (either by back-combing or irregular plaiting) and maintaining loosened hairs from the resulting dreadlock the same way. Once installed, the dreads are groomed every few weeks, typically once a month using either natural or commercial products. Once the hair is styled into a defined pattern, the locking process occurs as the hairs begin to knot.

"Sisterlocks" and "brotherlocks" are a particular patented genus of dreadlocks that are created in Afro-textured hair that are installed in needle-thin twists to create very fine locks. "Sisterlocks" or "brotherlocks" are maintained exclusively by tightening the roots, or "new growth" with the latch-hook tool as the tension created by excessive twisting encourages locks to thin and potentially break off. Another method is the rub method which is best used on very short Afro-textured hair by washing the hair in circular motions going in the same direction and also drying the hair (with a towel or fibre cloth or sweater or sponge etc.) in circular motions going in the same direction. This will create tiny neatly parted coils around the head and will grow into small locks resembling sister-locks but with more of a circular coil-like diameter.

Regardless of hair type or texture and method used, dreadlocks require time before they are fully matured. The locking process is continuous as the hairs within the dreadlocks continue to form tighter and tighter knots and the un-matted hairs at the base of each lock continuously begin to follow the pattern of the more mature sections of the lock.

(from Wikipedia, full article here

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Dreadlocks Journey

Dreadlock rastaman at the beach
Dreadlock Journey. Before we start, I just wanted to share my wanderful journey with you :)

Peace & Love

My Dreadlock journey started in 2007, and I must tell you, it wasn't easy at all, unfortunately many people still don't accept anything different :(. As a dreadhead, or as a man with long Dreadlocks, I have been through a lot of troubles, I had to face people and to always defend my right to have dreads, I was always explaining what dreadlocks are, what's the meaning of Rastafari, what's the meaning of Rastaman... It make me crazy sometimes.
many people don't know a lot of stuff about dreads, or just have wrong information about the whole dreadlock issue, that's why I thought about making a website and videos about it. 
Update: I made this video about the top 10 myths and rumors about dreadlocks, along with the facts:

You can watch the whole Dreadlocks Journey here

Healthy hair tips

If you suffer from hairloss, or you just want tips to have a healthy hair learn more about hair loss